Monday, October 20, 2008

The Great World Wide Star Count

If you ever think about light pollution and how it affects your area, there is an event beginning today which will help map the light pollution problem. The Great World Wide Star Count is an effort to measure the darkness of the skies around the world by comparing the stars that you see with those on designated star charts.

The activity is simple:
1. Observe the constellation Cygnus, which appears nearly overhead this time of year around 9 pm.
2. Compare the stars that you see with the stars on a series of maps. Choose the map that most accurately represents the stars in Cygnus.
3. Report your observations to the GWWSC headquarters.

All the information you need can be found at

This a great stargazing activity that anyone, from ages 8 to 80, can do anyplace, in the city or country.

Such is our view from Earth ...

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